Friday, June 6, 2008

I wish I were one of them

It's amazing how energetic kids are. We went to the Meat Packing District this day. I don't have any characteristic photo of the district, because my mind was so occupied with the new idea that came up to me back then, taking pictures of people's feet. On my way back to the dorm, I saw kids playing around a water fountain, yelling, running, and laughing.

If a small detail of life can make you happy, something so insignificant that no one else but you can notice it......


Gogolab said...

I like this shooting because, as you said, we can see kids laughing, playing with a simple thing : water. At this moment, they don't need to have the last toy that all children have. You know they are just enjoying this moment. Furthermore, it's so hot right now (I don't know if it will be like that all the summer...and I hope not because I will burn :D ) . But you captured a really beautiful instant. Moreover, I like the rainbow which crosses the pictures. And also I like seeing (I'm not a pervert loool ) those children in swimsuit in the city, which could show a huge discrepancy between the adults world and children world. Indeed, in A city, you have to follow a lot of rules like : wearing decent clothes, adopting a well behavior, ...
But those children are far from it; they don't think about prejudice but how having a good time.

jbkopstein said...

love love love these photos: the colours, movement, and overall fun environment/feel to the pictures capture the moment perfecly! And that rainbow... !

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous you guys came across this. Lovely photographs. I'm not fond of children but I like these photographs. I really enjoy when you maanage to capture the rainbow and what now. And the expressions of each child in the composition, pretty priceless. Good job, good find.


K.P. said...

I like these too. I left a comment on your last posting about the photos of the window.

Anonymous said...

Seeeee! Little kids really are the coolest. I'm glad you agree with me. Kids are always just doing their own thing. They don't mind if you talk to them or take pictures of them, they're always ready to listen and accept what you have to say (well, usually!). Ugh! I wish I was a kid again, seriously. They really are so free.

Oscar said...

k.p. I left a comment on your latest post about the photo of the windows.

Rosy said...

You really captured a moment, an attitude, and a feeling by looking at the pictures i can feel like if i was in this place with all the kids.
And the way you used color in the images it's amazing!
i'm also a kids fan!!