Monday, June 9, 2008

Class Portraits I


jbkopstein said...

ahhhh love the portraits. you captured everyone so well! i'm still a little uneasy about mine haha, but they are very beautiful! excellent idea :)

Gogolab said...

You did a really good job. I love your first image (and the face of Mike lool). It was like you have taken the picture in a squat. I like the contrast between us and the graffiti on the wall. I also like your portrait (B&W is perfect). I think it is a really good idea to put all the face of our class: I hope we will never forget each other ....... But your series is really good. Continue like that !!!

Gogolab said...

but where are u ??? You have to put a picture of u too !!! :D

©™ said... caught everybody in there prime!

Jannie Funster said...

You obviously are very talented with photos !

Anonymous said...

i love this i love this!

Mihir Desai said...

These pictures are so natural. Thank you for giving us these :)
I really like the one where all of us are surrounded by graffiti walls it so good, we seem so out of place and so does our expressions.